[Photographs] Birthday Wishes Dita to Prima

A couple weeks ago, my friend named Dita, was ask me for a help. She want to give her boyfriend a photograph, with many of their couple photo inside that. Since she can't doing editing and layouting, that's why she ask me to do that. She ask for help when I'm on my way doing Project 1, a college task. So I told her, I only can do that just 1 day before her boyfriend birthday.

I'm not sleeping for more than about 24 hour finishing my college task. And finally I did editing and layouting their photo, well I'm not in right mood when I did that. Just 2 hours, and this is the photograph. I found that pattern on internet, but I forgot the author, I'm so sorry T_T I should give credit but I really don't remember T_T

I hope this photograph birthday wishes can give you all an inspiration to do something more. Thanks for visit :D