#1 English Quotes ^^


"I believe that everything happens for a reason,
People change so that you can learn to let go,
Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right,
You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself,
And sometimes good things fall together.."

"I made a choice to finally let go, because I can't stand the pain, it's time for my last tear to fall and smile again..."

"You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression."

"It's better dumped with an exact excuse that being drag by an undefine rules."

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

"The first to apologize is the bravest..
The first to forgive is the strongest..
The first to move forward is the happiest..
Be brave, Be strong, Be happy, Be free."

"Holding someone too 'close', just make the 'c' runaway and left the 'lose' to you."

"Love is the person you think about, during the sad songs."

"Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus
The tighter you hold on, the more it hurts."

"Single is better, because double has many trouble."

"It’s easier to turn a friendship into love than to turn love into a friendship."

"Holding on is loving, but sometimes letting go is loving more."

"I knew I was in love when all those stupid love songs started to make sense."

"You said you never wanted to see me hurt, did you close your eyes then when I cried?"

"An "ex" is called an "ex" because it is an EXample of what you should don't have again in the future."

"Never cry for person who hurts you. Just smile and say 'thanks for giving me a change to find someone better than you'."

"Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their life."

"Trying everything again with the same person doesn't always guarantee shit will be different."

"Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun, because they missed you the first time."

"Don't ask me why all walls are up when you're the reason why."

"I wish you could drink your words and realize how bitter they taste."

"Without communication there is no relationship; without respect there is no love; without trust there's no reason to continue."

"One of the most amazing things in the world is having someone fall in love with you who you thought you never had a chance with."

"Apologizing doesn’t always mean that you’re wrong,
At times, you do it because you value the relationship,
And you love the person more than your pride."

"Apologizing doesn't always mean that you're wrong and other person right. It just means that you VALUE YOUR RELATIONSHIP more than your EGO."

"Don't compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by GOD."

"The best relationship in the world is ,when you hold the hand of the person and the person walks with you without asking,"Where" and "Why"."

"My ex? We're not friends, we're not enemies. We're just strangers with some memories."

"Sometimes we may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reason. But one thing is for sure, mistakes help us to find the right person."